The Public Works Department has an existing contract with Culy Contracting of Winchester, Indiana, for Manhole Rehabilitation services. The current contract expired on March 22, 2021. This contract is for the non-destructive repair of manholes which reduces the periodic maintenance of the sanitary and storm sewer manholes over the useful lifespan of the structure. Manhole rehabilitation involves bypassing the existing flow, high pressure cleaning of the walls and floor, application of a grout coating (referred to as cementitious coating) and, in some instances, applying a structurally enhanced epoxy coating. The rebuilding of the floor (or bench and trough) will be performed as the situation requires. All of this work can be done without excavation.
Per Village Policy, contracts can be extended with Board approval, up to the original terms of the contract. The original Board item incorrectly referenced this item as a two-year contract. The contract as signed, had a three-year term. A request to amend the contract approval will be included in the staff recommendation.
Staff has been pleased with Culy Contracting’s quality of work. The contractor has offered to extend the contract without an increase in price. Staff is requesting the first of three possible one-year extensions. This extension would begin in March 2021 through March 2022.
Funding is available for these services in Account No. 426-7101-571.50-25 (SW1520).
It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract extension for Manhole Rehabilitation to Culy Contracting of Winchester, Indiana, at unit bid prices, up to the budgeted amount, and amend the original approval to a three-year contract, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.