The 2021 Resurfacing Program and Sidewalk Program includes the resurfacing of 5.0 miles of asphalt streets, including Forrest Avenue (Kensington Road to Northwest Highway) which is eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The program also includes pedestrian improvements and the resurfacing of Evergreen Avenue (Campbell Street to Sigwalt Street).
Bids were duly advertised, and of the three plan holders, two bids were received and publicly opened on April 12, 2021. The bids received and the Engineer’s Estimate for the Base Bid, CDBG Streets and Evergreen Avenue pedestrian improvements and resurfacing are as follows:
Builders Paving, LLC $2,418,000.00
Arrow Road Construction $2,200,228.74
Engineer’s Estimate $2,437,919.00
Various funding sources were budgeted for this project, and are as follows:
Available Funding Sources Summary:
401-7101-571.50-30 (ST 9008) (Capital Projects Fund) $1,445,228.74
215-4101-522.41-76 CDBG Block Grant $150,000.00
401-7101-571.50-45 Sidewalk Program $405,000.00
401-4001-571.50-30(ST1535) Downtown Streetscape Improvements $200,000.00
TOTAL (from 2021 Resurfacing Program & Sidewalk Program) $2,200,228.74
Arrow Road Construction was the lowest responsible bidder and has successfully performed the resurfacing program for the Village of Arlington Heights for several years prior to the 2021 Resurfacing Program & Sidewalk Program. Staff recommends award in the amount of $2,200,228.74. Upon approval, this work could begin in early May.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the 2021 Resurfacing Program & Sidewalk Program contract to Arrow Road Construction of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, in the amount of $2,200,228.74 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.