In March 2021 the Village Board approved a temporary outdoor tent theater concept for the Performing Arts at Metropolis (“Metropolis”) to hold performances on Eastman Street between Arlington Heights Road and Evergreen. The Village Board recognized that Metropolis has worked diligently and creatively since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to continue their operations and provide service to residents of the Village and neighboring communities in compliance with applicable public health guidance and restrictions. The installation of an outdoor tent provides a creative solution for Metropolis to operate in this temporary location through September 6, 2021.
One of the features of the planned tent theater is retail sales of alcoholic liquor service for patrons in a dedicated beverage area. Some modification to the liquor code is necessary in order to allow Class J liquor licenses to temporarily serve alcohol within portions of the public right-of-way during 2021 if approved by the Village Board.
The attached ordinance amends the Class J license portion of the municipal code to allow not-for-profit live theaters to serve on designated public rights-of-way during calendar year 2021. The attached resolution authorizes the theater to use the portion of Eastman described in the exhibit for an outdoor theater, contingent upon the execution of a license agreement to be signed by the Village Manager.
As the Metropolis Theater’s first show will take place in early May, Staff recommends that these two items be discussed and approved at the April 19th Village Board meeting.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Village Board approve an Ordinance Amending the Liquor Code to authorize Class J licensees, during the 2021 calendar year, to conduct the retail sale of alcoholic beverages within authorized portions of the public right-of-way; and that the Village Board approve a Resolution authorizing the use of a portion of W. Eastman St. by Metropolis during Calendar Year 2021 to conduct the licensed retail sale of alcoholic liquor pursuant to Section 13-501(m) of the Village Code.