Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Berkley/Hintz Stormwater Project - Additional Engineering Fees
Department: Public Works

On December 16, 2019, the Village Board awarded the contract for design and construction engineering of the Berkley/Hintz Stormwater Improvement Project to Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly (CMT) Engineers. The original awarded contract value is $343,434.


Since beginning the design, the project has been faced with a few hurdles that were unanticipated when the project was awarded. Most notably, the Cook County Highway Department (CCHD) is requiring a drainage study before they will allow us to potentially direct more stormwater flows to their stormwater system. This was not anticipated due to the fact that the County system drains back into McDonald Creek which is under Village control. Once completed, it is also possible that some significant design changes may be necessary if the study shows capacity limitations.


Unfortunately, we do not have any other option. Attached is the letter proposal for the additional engineering fees at a cost of $32,790.  Staff has reviewed the scope of work and finds the fees acceptable.


The Stormwater Utility Fund Account No. 426-7101-571.50-25 (SW2001) has sufficient funds to cover these additional costs.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve Contract Amendment #1 for Stormwater Study to CMT Engineers in the amount of $32,790 for the  Berkley/Hintz Stormwater Project - Additional Engineering fees, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.

Berkley Hintz Stormwater Project - Additional Engineering Fees ATTACHMENTExhibits