Since the announcement of the pending closure and sale of Arlington International Racecourse property by Churchill Downs, research and identification of some initial steps to be considered to set the stage for potential redevelopment, and/or putting future investors and purchasers on notice of the Village’s desires for the property has occurred.
Zoning and Comprehensive Plan
By way of background, the Arlington International Racecourse property consists of 326 acres, is zoned B-3, motor vehicle-oriented use of wholesale, retail and service establishments and designated mixed-use on the Village’s Comprehensive Plan. The underlying B-3 zoning district is not conducive to high quality one of a kind type redevelopment opportunity that the racetrack presents.
Resolution regarding applicable zoning regulations
Attached is a resolution discussing some general parameters applicable to the zoning regulations for the racetrack property. This should be considered as a table setting and place holder for future changes to the Village’s Code to reflect the desired land uses that the Village would like to see on this property. It puts prospective purchasers and the public on notice that the Village intends to make changes to the zoning, subdivision code or other regulations. The Resolution states the fact that the Village is considering making changes to the zoning ordinance to restrict certain uses and establish other development standards that would be applicable to Arlington International property.
Overlay Zoning District – Arlington International Racecourse Property
Ultimately, it is possible a new zoning district would need to be created for potential redevelopment of Arlington International Racecourse property. In the interim, an overlay zoning district could be adopted setting forth some general parameters and listing specific uses that the Village does not wish to see on this property that are currently allowed under the existing B-3 zoning district. The Village already has overlay zoning districts for South Arlington Heights Road, Hickory Kensington, and the Arlington Downs development to name just a few. Attached is a draft of a potential overlay zoning district that sets the stage and addresses some issues that should be included in any potential redevelopment of Arlington International Racecourse. It also outlines a potential amendment to Chapter 29 Subdivision Control regulations closing a loophole for exempt subdivisions.
It is recommended that the Village Board approved the proposed Arlington International Racecourse Resolution.