Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Greenbrier Detention Pond - NE Corner Cambridge St and Yale Ave - PC#21-004
Department: Planning and Community Development



On March 1, 2021, the Village Board approved Ordinance #21-007 which authorized Preliminary Plat of Subdivision approval to consolidate the subject property into one lot. The petitioner has completed the Final Plat documents and obtained all of the necessary signatures to proceed with final approval. All conditions of approval as outlined in Ordinance #21-007 and #21-008 shall continue to apply.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on April 28, 2021 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#21-004, the Final Plat of Subdivision for Greenbrier Detention Pond.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Lorenzini, Sigalos, Green, Ennes and Chair Dawson voted in favor.  Motion carried.



Staff MemoMemorandum
PC Minutes 4/28/21 - DRAFTMinutes
PC Minutes 2/24/21Minutes
Final Plat of Subdivision Exhibits