Requested Action
1. Rezoning from the R-1, One-Family Dwelling District to the O-T, Office Transitional District.
2. Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow a 5,470 square foot medical office building on the subject property.
Variations Required
1. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.13-3a, Location of Fences, to allow a 6’ tall solid masonry fence in a front yard where code only allows 3’ tall open fences in a front yard.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on May 26, 2021 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Jensen seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, Approval of Hawkeye Chiropractic, PC#21-006, a Rezoning from the R-1, One-Family Dwelling District to the O-T, Office Transitional District, a Planned Unit Development to allow a 5,470 square foot medical office building on the subject property, and DENIAL of the following variation:
• Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.13-3a, Location of Fences, to allow a 6’ tall solid masonry fence in a front yard where code only allows 3’ tall open fences in a front yard.
This recommendation is subject to the following conditions:
1. Prior to appearing before the Village Board, the petitioner shall provide a plan that meets the Village’s detention requirements, meets IDOT’s requirements for basin setback, and will not change the current surface site layout.
2. The row of 6-foot tall Viburnum shrubs along the southern property line shall be replaced with a dense row of evergreens that extend further east and west to provide a solid screen along this elevation.
3. The dumpster enclosure shall be relocated outside of the front yard, for final review and approval by the Village.
4. At the request of the Village, the subject property owner shall provide a cross access easement to the benefit of the property to the north (1640 S. Arlington Heights Road) for access to Arlington Heights Road through the subject property. This shall only be required if and when the 1640 S. Arlington Heights Road property abutting to the north is redeveloped and provides reciprocal access to the subject property, pays for the improvements on the subject property necessary to facilitate the cross connection, and provides a perpetual easement for parking on their property to accommodate for any lost parking spaces on the subject property necessary to construct said connection. At the request of the Village, the subject property shall also grant the same cross access to the property at 1638 S. Arlington Heights Road, but only if and when that property redevelops and secures access through the 1640 S. Arlington Heights Road property.
5. IDOT approval shall be required.
6. Compliance with the March 30, 2021, Design Commission motion shall be required.
7. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.
Roll Call Vote: Green, Jensen, Ennes, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Warskow, and Chair Dawson voted in favor. Cherwin recused. Motion carried.