Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: HPE SAN Unit - I.T. Equipment Replacement Program
Department: Integrated Service Department/I.T. Division

The current 2021 budget for the I.T. Equipment Replacement Program provides for the replacement of Village computer hardware. The Village computer hardware replacement program is designed to meet existing and new technology demands. The existing Storage Area Network (SAN) located at the Village Hall datacenter was manufactured in 2016 and the manufacturer’s warranty will expire in August of this year. This SAN unit stores all village critical applications and files that are utilized on a daily basis and is the backbone of the virtual application infrastructure.


Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) was awarded the State of Illinois Joint Purchase Master Contract (JPMC) - the specifications allow for local municipalities to use the joint purchase on the contract #CMT1021170. The State of Illinois Joint Purchase Master Contract price for the SAN unit this year is $35,383.58.


Funds are available and have been budgeted in I.T. account #625-0601-572-50-10 EQ9708 for one SAN totaling $35,383.58.





It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding requirements and authorize the purchase of HPE SAN using the State of Illinois Joint Purchase Master Contract for a total cost of $35,383.58 from HPE, Houston, TX.