Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Pumping Station 16 - Generator Replacement
Department: Public Works

The approved 2021 Capital Improvement Program (505-7201-561.50-15 EQ-99-02) includes funding for Replacement of the Generator at Station 16 and corresponding Motor Control Center (MCC). This project is part of the Village’s ongoing program to replace or rehabilitate the Village’s aging electrical generator systems related to water and sewer services throughout the Village.

Bids for the work associated with the replacement of the existing generator were solicited from qualified firms with extensive experience in this type of work. The scope of work includes the replacement of the existing generator and associated switching hardware, building modifications, and the motor control center. The bid establishes a not-to-exceed cost based upon several unit prices.

The project was advertised and bids were publicly opened and read aloud. The bids were evaluated regarding each of the firm’s understanding of the project and ability to perform the specified services. The following table summarizes the bids received:

Bidder    Base Bid        Alt. Bid 1    Alt. Bid 2

Piper Electric  $1,267,100.00           $3,100.00               $40,550.00

AMS Mech. Systems   $1,299,001.00           $4,337.00            $40,550.00        ,

Courtesy Electric        $1,528,400.00           $96.37                    $17,000.00

The bid spread was approximately $261,300 or 20% of the lowest bid.  The project budget was $922,000. Since these bids far exceed the budgeted amount, staff believes the project should be reviewed and re-bid once staff reviews the project scope and impact from material shortages caused by the pandemic, and determines if alternatives or optional bid items are possible. Staff will re-budget for FY2022. Staff therefore recommends that the Village reject all bids.


It is recommended that the Village Board reject all bids for the Pumping Station 16 - Generator Replacement.