Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Intersection Improvements for Rockwell Street Widening - 2021 Reconstruction/Rehabilitation Program
Department: Public Works

The Village annually budgets for approximately two miles of roadway reconstruction.  The reconstruction program is completed on streets in which the sub-base is no longer adequate to support traffic loads. The FY22 program tentatively includes the widening of Rockwell Street from Arlington Heights Road to Lincoln Lane. Builder's Paving is the low bidder on Illinois Department of Transportation's (IDOT's) Arlington Heights Road resurfacing project. This unique situation offers the Village an opportunity to complete the necessary roadway widening work needed at the intersection of Arlington Heights Road during the IDOT Project.


IDOT is allowing the Village to contract with their contractor to complete the widening of Rockwell Street this year as part of IDOT’s resurfacing of Arlington Heights Road which is currently under construction. This would eliminate the need to complete any work in IDOT right-of-way as part of the 2022 Program, and reduce required approvals and provide an overall better quality job. 


Staff recommends awarding the intersection improvements to Builder's Asphalt in the amount of $50,579.25. Staff has reviewed the unit prices and finds them in line with similar items on this year's program.


Funds for this work are available in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST9008).




It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding and award Builder's Paving, the intersection improvements for the Rockwell Street Widening project, at an amount not to exceed $50,579.25 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.