The 2021 Operating budget includes $67,000 for contractual cleaning of the stairwells and elevators in all four Municipal Parking Garages.
On December 7, 2020, the Village Board awarded a three-year contract to the lowest bidder A Plus Quality Service of Arlington Heights, IL. The contractor's performance to date has not been to our standards. In accordance with the contract terms, A Plus Quality Service's substandard performance has been documented and reduced invoice payments have reflected their work performance. The contractor was provided notice and ample time to correct the work needed in order to be in contract compliance.
On July 8, 2021, A Plus Quality Service sent a letter stating they were not able to meet the requirements of the contract, and requested mutual cancellation of the contract.
The second lowest bidder from the November 30, 2020 bids was Eco Clean Maintenance of Elmhurst, IL. The Village has worked with Eco Clean successfully in the past and recommends award. Eco Clean has been contacted, and have agreed to the bid prices and contract terms. Eco Clean can begin services, following Village Board approval.
Funds for these services are available in the following Account Numbers:
235-7301-532.21-11 (Municipal Garage), 235-7302-532.21-11 (Vail Garage), 235-7303-532.21-11 (North Garage), and 235-7304-532.21-11 (Evergreen Garage).
Staff recommends the Village Board award the Municipal Parking Garages' Stairwell and Elevator Cleaning Services contract to Eco Clean Maintenance of Elmhurst, Illinois for a 3-year contract, in the amount of $3,493 per month, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.