Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Public Works Fleet Contract Award - Fuel Dispensers
Department: Public Works

The 2021 Fleet Capital budget includes $75,000 for the Fuel Dispensing System upgrade. The project includes the removal and replacement of the fuel island, pumps and controls, and the needed upgrade to the Fuel Master operating system.


On July 27, 2021, a public bid opening was held and two bids were read aloud. The following bids were received:



Stenstrom Petroleum $ 92,440

Crowne Industries $121,147


The Village applied for and was awarded a grant from the Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP). The award was based on the Village's continued commitment and successful use of Biodiesel in the Village's large vehicle trucks and equipment since 2007. The grant is reimbursable after the project is completed.  After the grant is applied, the project will be completed within budget.


The Village has successfully completed projects with Stenstrom Petroleum in the past and recommends award.


Funds for these services are available in Account No. 401-7501-572.50-15 (EQ9701).




Staff recommends that the Village Board award the Public Works Fleet Contract - Fuel Dispensers to Stenstrom Petroleum of Rockford, Illinois, for a not-to-exceed amount of $92,440 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.