Requested Action
1. Amendment to Comprehensive Plan to reclassify the subject property from “Commercial” to “Moderate Density Multi-Family”.
2. Rezoning from the B-2, General Business District, to the R-6, Multiple-Family Dwelling District.
3. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision approval to consolidate the subject property into one lot.
Variations Required
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on June 23, 2021 where Commissioner Jensen moved and Commissioner Drost seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#21-010, Crescent Place, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to reclassify the subject property from 'Commercial' to 'moderate density multi-family'; Rezoning of the subject property from the B-2 General Business District to the R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District; and a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision approval to consolidate the subject property into one lot.
This recommendation is subject to the following conditions:
1. Final Plat of Subdivision approval shall be required.
2. Impact fees in accordance with Chapter 29 of the Municipal Code shall be required for each unit within the development.
3. The Applicant is responsible to ensure that the subject property is and remains in full compliance with the requirements of Article XVII of Chapter 7 of the Village Code, being the Village's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance, and the Village's Inclusionary Housing Guidelines, including, without limitation, the following:
a. Providing in perpetuity, at a minimum, two actual on-site affordable one-bedroom units and two actual on-site affordable two-bedroom units within the development, which units shall be in compliance with Section 7-1707(B)(3) of the Village Code;
b. Ensuring compliance with all other provisions of the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and Inclusionary Housing Guidelines as applicable;
c. The developer shall submit a request for residency and local working preferences to HUD and IHDA in order to seek approval to incorporate Arlington Heights' Inclusionary Housing Ordinance tenant preferences in the tenant selection plan for this development consistent with their regulations; and
d. Even if not required, for any units the developer is making available as affordable, that the developer will make reasonable efforts to make those affordable units available according to the tenant preference in the Inclusionary Housing Guidelines.
4. Compliance with the May 11, 2021 Design Commission motion shall be required.
5. At time of Final Plat of Subdivision, the Petitioner shall provide additional details on the light fixtures as well as a revised photometric plan that conforms to all code requirements for review and approval by Staff.
6. Prior to appearing before the Village Board, the Petitioner shall hold another community meeting with advertisement and invitations to all property owners within 750 feet of the subject property.
7. The Petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village codes, regulations, and policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Jensen, Drost, Ennes, Green, Lorenzini, Sigalos and Chair Dawson voted in favor. Motion carried.