Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Backyard Drainage Improvements 2021 - Contract Award
Department: Public Works

The Backyard Drainage Improvement Program is designed to extend the Village's Sewer Infrastructure to allow residents to connect private drainage improvements that would otherwise be cost prohibitive. The requirements of the program are that the improvements will help alleviate flooding issues that adversely affects a structure, multiple properties, or the public right-of-way. The Storm Water Control Fund budget includes $400,000 for the 2021 Backyard Drainage Program.

On September 27th, 2021, five bids were publicly opened and read aloud. The bid tabulation is as follows:



Bolder Contractors, Inc. $ 262,810
Martam Construction, Inc.  $ 332,703
Holiday Sewer & Water Construction, Inc. $ 349,000
Mauro Sewer Construction, Inc.    $ 389,768
V3 Construction Group, Ltd. $ 411,500

The Engineer's estimate for the project was $ 343,421.36. The low bidder, Bolder Contractors, Inc. has not performed work for the Village in the past, but based on positive feedback from a check of references, including Buffalo Grove and Lake Forest, Bolder Contractors, Inc. is deemed a responsible bidder. Staff is recommending that Bolder Contractors, Inc. be awarded the 2021 Backyard Drainage Improvement Program.


Funding for these services is available in Account No. 426-7101-571.50-25 (SW1102).



It is recommended that the Village Board award the 2021 Backyard Drainage Improvement Program to Bolder Contractors, Inc. of Cary, Illinois, in the amount not-to-exceed $262,810 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.