The 2021 Public Works Capital Budget includes $47,100 for the replacement of a compact track loader for the Forestry Unit of Public Works. The current machine is a 2001 model and has been deemed in need of replacement by the PW Fleet Unit. If this award is approved, the existing vehicle will be sold at auction, per Village requirements.
The proposed loader is a Bobcat Model T450, and was selected because it is narrow in size and comes with tracks instead of wheels. The tracks produce less ground pressure compared to wheels and will do less damage on restoration projects.
On September 30, 2021, the Village held a public bid opening. Although seven vendors were contacted and showed interest, only one vendor provided a quote. The sole bidder, Atlas Companies of Wauconda, IL bid was $47,554 which was $454 over budget.
Staff has successfully worked with Atlas Bobcat in the past. Other purchasing options were investigated and this single bid was the least expensive. Therefore, staff recommends award.
Funds for this purchase are available in Account No. 621.9003-572.50-05 (VH9501).
It is recommended that the Village Board award the purchase of the Atlas Model T450 Compact Track Loader to the sole bidder, Atlas Companies of Wauconda, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $47,554 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.