The Village has two Master Agreements with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). These Agreements identify the energy and maintenance responsibilities of all Traffic Signals located on IDOT roadways.
The previous ten-year intergovernmental agreements for traffic signal maintenance and energy costs between the Village and IDOT expired on June 30, 2021. Village staff had worked with various representatives of IDOT over several months to review new agreements that would go into effect July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2031. The new ten-year intergovernmental agreements were approved by the Village Board on June 7, 2021. After further review by IDOT of the agreements executed by the Village, the Village was notified that IDOT had modified the language in the agreements, thus requiring new signatures on the updated forms.
For the attached Intergovernmental Master Agreement for State maintained signals, the Village is to participate financially for a portion of maintenance and energy costs for certain signals ranging from 33.3% to 100%, of which the percentage is determined by the number of sections of Village streets that are serviced by the IDOT signal.
The revised Intergovernmental Agreement has been reviewed and approved by Public Works staff and the Legal Department.
It is recommended that the attached Resolution repealing Resolution Number R2021-019/A2021-045 and approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for State maintenance of traffic control devices with the Illinois Department of Transportation, be approved.