Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Reinstatement of Roofing Permit Requirement
Department: Building & Life Safety


The information below provides an update on the status of roofing permits within the Village. Staff recommends that the requirement of roofing permits for both commercial & residential structures be reinstated.


Removal of Roof Permit in 2019

At the December 9, 2019 Committee of the Whole, former Building & Life Safety Director Touloumis proposed the elimination of roof permits from Village services. Mr. Touloumis explained how the current code requires a permit for roofing, which Staff believed is of low value to residents, as inspectors cannot get up on a roof to really inspect what is going on during every phase of the construction process. Some mistakes can be identified from the ground, however critical elements of the roof, such as underlayment cannot be inspected, as the shingles cover this up. With the number of roofs that are replaced on a daily basis in town, it is virtually impossible to have someone inspect them all, as there can be no delay in a roof replacement. Roofers are licensed at a State level, therefore there is some level of assurance that there is some expertise involved with the roof replacement. Mr. Touloumis noted that commercial roofing that requires modification of structural, electrical, plumbing or HVAC systems, still needs a permit.


Mr. Touloumis advised despite this change, Staff would be available to answer any questions residents might have when it comes to the roof replacement process.


Revisiting the Issue

At the December 9, 2019 Committee of the Whole, Trustee Scaletta requested that this issue be addressed in one calendar year, which would have been in December of 2020. Since I joined the Village as the new Building & Life Safety Director in November of 2020, Staff thought it best to take some time to analyze the Department’s offerings, efficiencies, and opportunities.


After conducting a thorough review, Staff is requesting the re-establishment of the requirement for roofing permits. Illinois law requires that all roofing and waterproofing work be performed by a state licensed roofing contractor possessing the appropriate license type with the goal of protecting consumers from unscrupulous contractors as well as to provide structure to municipal and state officials for enforcement and punishment. The building permit application must identify the actual entity that will be performing the work.


While Staff agrees with Mr. Touloumis’ assertion that Village inspections of a roof may provide a false sense of security for residents, there is still some value in obtaining a permit as it creates a record of the roofer who performed the work, so that they may be held accountable in the future under the State code if poor workmanship was later found.


It should be noted that Homeowners may perform roofing and waterproofing work on their primary residence. The homeowner will be requested to provide an Illinois issued driver’s license to prove that the residence is in fact their primary residence. Along with the permit requirement, as noted below, a Letter of Certification would be required.


Upon completion, the Roofing Contractor shall submit a Letter of Certification (with Roofing Contractor’s signature/State license number), certifying roofing was installed per the Village of Arlington Heights Building Code and manufacturer’s specifications.  


This will create a record of all roofing work for future needs of the residents (very often requested under FOIA).


Roofing Permit Costs- Commercial

The average reroofing fee for commercial, institutional and multi-family type projects from 2018 – 2020 was $673.00 per permit. Staff proposes to establish a flat rate permit charge of $125.00 for commercial permits, plus the plan examination fee of $70.00.


Roofing Permit Costs- Residential

The average fee for each residential roofing permit from 2018-2020 was $106.97. Staff proposes to establish a flat permit charge of $75.00 for residential reroofing permits.


The average permit fee for residential garage roofing permits from 2018-2020 was $42.06. Staff proposes to establish a flat permit charge of $25.00 for residential garage reroofing permits.  



Nov. 8, 2021 Draft Minutes of BCRB Minutes