The Public Works Department contracts out the hauling and delivery of aggregate materials and debris management.
Specifications were developed for Department needs and bid sheets were broken down into three Divisions. Division A includes unit prices for trucking of various materials such as sand and stone commonly used in bulk by Public Works for various street, sewer, and watermain repairs. Division B includes unit prices for trucking services such as hauling debris and lowboy transportation of vehicles used to transport to and from out-of-town repair facilities. Division C contains unit prices for tipping fees at a landfill commonly associated with material disposal.
The specifications were written so each of the three Divisions could be bid separately and a bidder’s pricing on one Division cannot be contingent on their award for any of the other two Divisions. However, the Village does allow for discount opportunities if the vendor is awarded more than one Division.
Specifications and plans were prepared, advertised, and distributed to local trucking companies. On November 30, 2021, three bids were opened and publicly read aloud. The bid results are as follows:
C.C. Cartage $133,370 $198,750 $25,500
LoVerde Const. Co. $143,020 $205,500 $31,875
Utility Transport $149,075 $241,500 $108,750
C.C. Cartage of Lake Zurich, IL was the low bidder for each division, Divisions A, B, and C. C.C. Cartage's total bid of $357,620 is discounted to $342,620 due to all three Divisions being awarded to them. Staff has worked with C.C. Cartage in the past and has been pleased with their services, and recommends award.
Funding for these materials and services is available in Account Nos. 101-7101-531.21-36, 1010-7101-531.21-62, 101-7101-531.31-90, 505-7201-561.21-36, 505-7201-561.21-62, and 505-7201-561.31-90
It is recommended that the Village Board award a three-year contract for Furnishing of Aggregate Materials, Trucking and Disposal of Debris for Divisions A, B, and C to C.C. Cartage of Lake Zurich, Illinois at unit bid prices, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $342,620 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.