On October 15, 2020, the “Wilke Road Resurfacing & Multi-Use Path” project was approved for Federal funding. The project consists of the resurfacing of Wilke Road from approximately 600 feet north of IL 62 (Algonquin Road) to the Union Pacific Railroad just south of US 14 (Northwest Highway), and includes the extension of a concrete multi-use path along the east parkway of Wilke Road from Bray Court to north of Orchard Place connecting to the existing off-street path at the southern edge of Sunset Meadows Park.
On September 8, 2021, the Village Board adopted the Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) Policy & Procedure for procurement of engineering services on Federally funded roadway projects. This policy outlines how engineering consulting firms can be selected.
A Request for Qualifications was advertised on October 28, 2021 for engineering services for Phase 1 Project Study, Phase 2 Design, and Phase 3 Construction of the “Wilke Road Resurfacing & Multi-Use Path” project.
A committee of three staff members was established to carefully review each of the twelve proposals received. Proposals identified the consultant’s understanding of the project, how they intend to approach the project, key personnel assigned, their overall qualifications, and a project schedule. Following the QBS Policy, staff scored all the consultants, and selected Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) to negotiate Phase 1 Engineering services. After discussions to finalize the project scope, CBBEL provided the attached proposal in the amount of $93,568.00.
The requested action would authorize the approval of the proposal provided by Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) for preliminary engineering services for the “Wilke Road Resurfacing & Multi-Use Path – Phase 1 Report”.
The current budget includes $75,000 in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST-2103) for this project. Additional funding is available in the same account number from the Street Resurfacing Program line item (ST-9008).
The City of Rolling Meadows will partner with the Village and reimburse the Village for the City’s proportional (approximately 20%) local share of the project. An intergovernmental agreement for this cost sharing will be forthcoming to the Village Board for approval.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for the “Wilke Road Resurfacing & Multi-Use Path – Phase 1 Report” to Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois, for the not-to-exceed cost of $93,568 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.