Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Windsor Drive "Road Diet" - Phase I Report - Award
Department: Public Works

In 2017, the Village of Arlington Heights adopted the updated Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The plan describes ways to improve access to important recreational destinations in the community and beyond. The document also provides an actionable framework for the further implementation of the Complete Streets policy adopted by the Village Board in 2013.


One of the six high-priority projects identified by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission described in the plan is improved bicycle and pedestrian access to Lake Arlington and Trail. The plan specifically recommends a roadway reconfiguration, commonly referred to as a “road diet” on Windsor Drive from Palatine Road to Crabtree Drive.  A road diet consists of reducing the number of travel lanes in order to accommodate an on-street bicycle lane.  The 2021 Budget includes funding for a Phase 1 Study to determine if the road diet is feasible as proposed in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. In addition, most Federal grant opportunities require that a Phase 1 Study is completed before an application will be considered.


The Village requested proposals from qualified professional engineering consultants to prepare a Phase 1 Project Development Report (PDR) from the Illinois Department of Transportation for a roadway reconfiguration that will include bike lanes along Windsor Drive with necessary pedestrian and bicycle improvements at intersections located within the project corridor.  

Proposals identified the consultant’s understanding of the project, how they intend to approach the project, key personnel assigned, their overall qualifications, and a project schedule.  Firms also provided an overall cost to complete the Phase 1 PDR as proposed in their submittal.  The cost submitted by each firm is summarized below:

BLA, Inc Consulting Engineers $43,000
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. $69,221
Civiltech Engineering, Inc. $69,711

A committee of four staff members was established to carefully review each proposal. Civiltech Engineering, Inc. provided the most comprehensive proposal that comprised all elements requested by the Village. In addition, their project approach showed an enhanced understanding of the overall project goals. Civiltech’s proposal specifically included the evaluation for other design elements that were identified in the Village’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. It is recommended that the proposal provided by Civiltech Engineering, Inc. be approved for preliminary engineering services for the Windsor Drive “Road Diet” – Phase 1 Report.


The current budget includes $50,000 in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST-2101) for this project. Additional funding is available in the same account number from the Street Resurfacing Program line item (ST-9008).


It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for the Windsor Drive “Road Diet” – Phase 1 Report to Civiltech Engineering, Inc. of Itasca, Illinois, for the not-to-exceed cost of $69,711 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.