The 2022 budget includes $400,000 for paver brick maintenance. The fourth phase of a multi-year program to upgrade the paver brick sidewalk in the Downtown will focus on Wing Street, Vail Avenue, and the Downtown Train Station.
The Village has contracted with Haeger Engineering for design and construction inspection services for the first three phases of the project. The first phase was constructed in 2016, the second phase was constructed in the fall of 2019 and included extensive work within IDOT right-of-way along Arlington Heights Road and Northwest Highway. The third phase was constructed in the spring of 2021 and included work along Evergreen Avenue and Dunton Avenue. As Haeger Engineering had also completed the original survey and is familiar with the Village’s long-term goals for paver brick sidewalk in the Downtown, staff requested a proposal from Haeger Engineering for Professional Engineering Services for design and construction inspection of this fourth phase, of the 2022 Downtown Paver Brick Program. The total cost of the professional services is as follows:
Design & Construction Documents $ 4,500
Construction Inspection $38,500
TOTAL Professional Engineering Services $43,000
Haeger Engineering has previously provided Professional Engineering Services and their performance met expectations. Upon execution of the contract, Haeger Engineering can immediately begin design with an anticipated spring 2022 bid schedule. The fees associated with the design and construction documents are comparable to prior phases.
Funds are available for these services in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST0501).
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the Professional Engineering Services contract for the 2022 Downtown Paver Brick Program to Haeger Engineering in the amount of $43,000 for Design, Construction Documents, and Construction Inspection, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.