Infrastructure repair and replacement is one of the main responsibilities of the Engineering Division of Public Works. The Division is responsible for the roughly four million dollars of annual road and sidewalk maintenance programs. These programs are designed in-house and include a material testing component to ensure the installed concrete and asphalt meet the designed criteria.
On April 17, 2017, the Village awarded a three-year contract for material testing services for street, sidewalk, and maintenance projects to Construction & General Material Testing, Inc. (CGMT) of Elk Grove Village, Illinois. Per Village Policy, contract extensions can be approved one year at a time, up to the original terms of the contract, with Village Board approval. The current contract expired on December 31, 2020. CGMT has offered to extend the contract with an increase in the amount of 1.65%, which is ½ of the CPI ending March 2021. This is the third and last possible extension that is allowed per policy, and it is their first requested increase.
Staff has been pleased with CGMT's quality of work, responsiveness, and customer service. Staff recommends the one-year contract extension.
Funding for this contract is included in the 2022 Resurfacing Program budget, in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST9008).
It is recommended that the Village Board award the one-year contract extension for Material Testing Services to CGMT of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, up to the budgeted amount, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.