Crack Sealing is one of the most cost-effective roadway maintenance activities. The purpose of crack sealing is to prevent water from penetrating through existing cracks into the base of the roadway. The Public Works Department annually budgets for this contractual work in order to extend the useful life of the Village’s asphalt streets.
The Village has an existing three-year contract with Patriot Pavement in Des Plaines, which was originally authorized by the Board on March 18, 2019. Per Village Policy, contract extensions can be approved one year at a time, up to the original terms of the contract, with Board approval. Staff is requesting Village Board approval to extend the existing contract for one additional year with approval for their price increase of $0.11 per pound. Significant price increases in both oil and labor have impacted the price of this program. This request is double last year’s request of $0.05 per pound. Even with this requested increase, Patriot is still lower than the second lowest bid from 2019.
This contract is jointly bid with neighboring communities as part of the Municipal Purchasing Initiative (MPI) group. Staff concurs with the MPI group and recommends approval to $0.535 per pound.
Funding for these services is available in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-40 (ST9201).
It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract extension for Pavement Crack Sealing to Patriot Pavement of Des Plaines, Illinois, at bid unit prices, up to the annual budgeted amount, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.