As part of the Village’s ongoing efforts to improve stormwater management in the community, the Village undertook a comprehensive stormwater study in 2014 which identified a number of high impact stormwater improvement projects throughout the community. One of those projects is the Berkely-Hintz project which is scheduled to begin in 2022. This project will involve the construction of both stormwater storage and conveyance pipes to help move water out of the surrounding neighborhood during storm events.
In order for the project to go forward, the Village requires land for the construction of stormwater storage. After the data was reviewed, Raven Park was identified as the best location for the new storage required for the project. The Park District has agreed to allow the Village to use a portion of Raven Park to provide additional stormwater storage in the Berkely Hintz neighborhood. The attached resolution authorizes execution of an intergovernmental agreement between the Village of Arlington Heights and the Arlington Heights Park District that outlines the terms of this arrangement.
It is recommended that a Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Arlington Heights and Arlington Heights Park District regarding the use of Raven Park for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a stormwater detention basin in Raven Park be approved.