Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Station #13 North Water Tank Painting / Pipe Relocation and Station #16 West Pipe Relocation - Project Award
Department: Public Works

The 2022 approved budget includes $1,715,000 for the rehabilitation of the water tank at Well #13. Well #13 is located at 3702 N. Kennicott Avenue and consists of two 6-million gallon water storage tanks. The North tank requires maintenance repairs to the roof support, and painting of the interior/exterior of the tank. During the early design stages of this project, Northwest Water Commission (NWC) notified the Village of their desire to reconstruct the fill pipe to this tower and the tower at Well #16 located at 1405 W. Kirchhoff.  NWC is responsible for the maintenance of this fill pipe and has requested to relocate the fill pipe from the exterior of the tank to the interior. This request affects tanks at both Well #13 North and Well #16 West.  NWC has agreed to be responsible for the cost of design, construction, and construction inspection of the pipe changes.

Specifications and plans were prepared, advertised, and distributed to national industrial painting firms. On February 15, 2022, the following three bids were opened and publicly read aloud:
BIDDER                                                                         BID 


Era Valdivia Contractors, Inc.,  Chicago, IL                 $ 1,936,000

Jetco Ltd.,  Lake Zurich, IL                                        $ 2,113,239                 
 TECORP, Joliet, IL                                                    $ 2,196,045                
The lowest responsive bidder, Era Valdivia Contractors, Inc.. of Chicago, IL, has received favorable comments from references checked by Village staff, and has successfully performed similar work for the Village in the past. The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets specifications. Robinson Engineering (Tank Painting Consultant) has reviewed all the documents and recommends awarding the bid to Era Valdivia Contractors. NWC will be reimbursing the Village $558,000 for the cost of relocating both fill pipes. 
Funds for these services are available in Account No. 505-9001-571.50-25 (WA1101).
It is recommended that the Village Board award the bid for  Station #13 North Water Tank - Painting / Pipe Relocation and Station #16 West - Pipe Relocation to Era Valdivia. of Chicago, Illinois for their not-to-exceed price of $1,936,000 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.