The FY22 Capital Plan includes $48,000 for the conversion of non-efficient lighting to Light Emitting Diodes (LED's). The Village plans to replace 150 lights in the North Garage - Public Parking Garage this year.
Public Works prepared bid specifications for the project. This bid was designed to provide competitive pricing for the parking garage project. Currently the North Garage has 150 lights rated at 128 watts each including a transformer. The proposed lights are only 33 watts each. ComEd offers a rebate program that should offset the costs by 15%. The Village has submitted the necessary paperwork for ComEd's Efficiency Rebate Program, and we anticipate a rebate of $7,837.50 which will offset the majority of the overage in this Account. When the rebate is applied, the Account will be over by $712.50 that can be absorbed by the overall Municipal Parking Fund.
On February 15, 2022, five bids were opened and publicly read aloud. The bids ranged from $56,550 to $162,697.50. All Tech Energy of Schaumburg, IL is the lowest responsible bidder, and meeting all bid requirements. Staff has checked references and received favorable comments and recommends award.
Funds are available in Account # 235-7101-571.50-25 (BL-1903) for this award.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the LED Lights bid to All Tech Energy of Schaumburg, Illinois in the amount of $56,550 for providing 150 LED fixtures in the North Garage - Public Parking Garage, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.