Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Discussion of Adult Use Cannabis Pilot Program
Department: Village Manager's Office

Discussion of Adult Use Cannabis Pilot Program


In August 2020, the Village Board adopted ordinances to allow a pilot program for adult use cannabis and creating an adult use cannabis tax. In December 2021, the Board extended the pilot through March 2022.


The purpose of the pilot program was to be able to evaluate the operation of the adult use cannabis operation as it related to impact upon the police department, as well as parking and traffic. The operator, Verilife, located at Golf and Arlington Heights Road, provided a parking and traffic study pre-operation as well as during this pilot time period. The Planning Community Development Department along with Public Works Engineering division and the Police Department, reviewed these traffic studies and concurred with its findings, that parking in traffic impact increases were not significant. Level of service at the full access drive on Arlington Heights Road was impacted, however, the level of service remained at level of Service F (which it was prior to the opening of the facility).  A summary of the parking study findings have been attached.


With respect to parking, there were no observed significant parking issues at peak parking demand. Peak parking counts pre-recreational sales in August 2020 were 164 vehicles compared to 163 vehicles in April 2021 and again in May 2021 with a peak parking count of 175 vehicles. The Police Department also have seen no rise in calls for service at this location or any direct bearing on police activity in the surrounding area.


The existing operator, Verilife, is requesting that the pilot program be made permanent. Staff recommends that Cannabis sales should be allowed on a permanent basis but would like feedback from the Board on how and where Cannabis should be allowed going forward in Arlington Heights. If the Board agrees that Cannabis sales should continue on a permanent basis, there are number of possible paths the Village can take.


In October 2019, a report was provided to the Village Board outlining some options which included allowing Verilife (the medical cannabis operator at the time) to sell adult use cannabis, to allow the sale of cannabis more broadly in the community, or to allow up to three adult use cannabis facilities in Arlington Heights. That report has been included for your reference. Staff is seeking feedback from the Board at the February 21st meeting on which of these paths (or any other concepts) to take for finalizing an ordinance for approval. Once direction from the Board is given, Staff will update the current drafts of the ordinances for approval at a Board meeting in March.



Provide direction and feedback to Village Staff on the issue of the Cannabis Pilot Program.


  1. Direct Staff to prepare and finalize an ordinance to allow adult use cannabis as a permanent use at the current location only; or


  1. Direct Staff to prepare and finalize an ordinance to allow adult use cannabis at any appropriate zoned location that is not within 1,000 feet of the various uses outlined by Staff in the 2019 Staff report; or


  1. Direct Staff to prepare and finalize an ordinance to allow adult use cannabis as a permanent use with no more than three facilities within the village, one may be located south of Central Road, one may be located north of Central Road but south of Hintz Road and one located north of Hintz Road. No adult use cannabis may be located in the downtown district.
Adult Use Cannabis Memo & OrdinancesMemorandum
Verilife Parking SummaryReport