Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance - No Parking - North Kennicott Avenue
Department: Engineering/PW/Legal

The Village Engineering Department received a complaint concerning the site distance at the corner of North Kennicott Avenue and West Tanglewood Drive that is caused by parked vehicles. Currently, the Village Code only prohibits parking near an intersection if a crosswalk is present. As there is not crosswalk on this side of the intersection, this section of the code cannot be used to enforce an obstructive parking. In order to protect this corner from parking and improve the visibility, an ordinance to prohibit parking on the east side of North Kennicott Avenue from the north curb of West Tanglewood Drive, for 45 feet, is necessary.




It is recommended that an Ordinance Prohibiting Parking on the east side of North Kennicott Avenue, from the north curb of West Tanglewood Drive, for 45 feet, be approved.

No Parking - North Kennicott AvenueOrdinance