Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Pavement Management Services 2022
Department: Public Works

The 2022 Public Works Operating Budget includes $50,000 for roadway scanning and structural / analysis for one-third of the Village's roadway network. The Village contracts with Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) to evaluate and test the roadways within our jurisdiction.  Every year, one-third of the network is analyzed and the database is updated.  This database provides a condition assessment of all of our roadways, and offers a software platform within which the Engineering Division can develop a yearly road program.

Staff is recommending approval of the 2022 roadway analysis with IMS at a not-to-exceed amount of $42,922. The Village is using the existing pricing with the Joint Northwest Illinois Partnering Consortium. This is a consortium of North and Northwest Chicago area municipalities that jointly bid this work to benefit from larger scale.

Funds for these services are available in Account No. 101-7101-531.20-05.


It is recommended that the Village Board award the contract for Pavement Management Services 2022 for the Village's road system to Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) of Tempe, Arizona, in an not-to-exceed amount of $42,922 and authorize the execution of all necessary documents.