Since 2015, the Engineering Division of Public Works has successfully utilized a consulting firm to assist with construction inspection for the annual Street Resurfacing Program and annual Street Reconstruction Program. As typical with the annual street programs, Engineering Division staff will still be the Resident Construction Supervisors for these projects.
On February 15, 2021, the Village Board awarded a one-year Engineering Services contract for Construction Inspection for the Resurfacing Program and MFT Reconstruction Program to Baxter and Woodman of Crystal Lake, IL. In addition to providing rates for the services in FY2021, the firm was also requested to provide rates for similar services in FY2022 through FY2024. Upon satisfactory completion of the first year of work, the Village has the option to extend the contract for an additional three years at the hourly rates provided in the proposal.
Per contract terms, this would be the first of three possible one-year extensions. Engineering staff has been pleased with Baxter and Woodman’s performance and recommends the one-year contract extension with a 2.5% increase in hourly rates. The term of the extension would conclude in December 2022.
Funding for these services are available in Account No. 101-7101-531.20-05 $35,000 and Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST9008) $185,000.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract extension to Baxter & Woodman, Inc. of Crystal Lake, Illinois, for Construction Inspection Professional Engineering Services for the 2022 Resurfacing & Reconstruction Programs, up to the total budgeted amount amount of $220,000 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.