The Public Works Department has participated in the Municipal Partnering Initiative (MPI) Program for Sewer Lining for the 2022 Program year. MPI is a working group of sixteen Chicagoland suburban municipalities working together on group bids since the fall of 2010. Combining multiple municipal bids allows for lower pricing through more significant quantities. For example, the Village of Mount Prospect led a group of municipalities this year on a bid for Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) Sewer Lining. Bids were duly advertised and publicly opened by the Village on behalf of the MPI on March 21, 2022.
CIPP lining is a non-destructive method of rehabilitating older sewers. This process “sleeves” the inside of older clay sewers with a new epoxy fiberglass resin. This rehabilitation method is typically applied to sewers with cracking or a history of cave-ins at locations where open excavation repair is too expensive, inaccessible, or both. This work also includes reinstating the service connections to each home. This program is part of a multi-year program to rehabilitate our aging sewer system.
The CIPP project was jointly bid through the MPI for Arlington Heights, Glenview, Mount Prospect, Northbrook, Wheeling, and Winnetka. The contract has set unit prices for 2022, with a one-year extension possible for 2023. This year’s budgeted amount for Arlington Heights is $400,000. The total bid price for the 2022 MPI contract for all municipalities is listed below in the tabulation of bids.
Insituform Technologies, Chesterfield, MO $3,449,361.75
Hoerr Construction, Peoria, IL $3,816,864.00
Visu-Sewer, Bridgeview, IL $3,841,603.20
The Village has successfully worked with Insituform Technologies for CIPP work, and staff recommends approval. The bidder has been determined to be responsible, and the bid meets specifications.
Funds are available in Account No. 505-9001-571.50-25 (SW9001).
It is recommended that the Village Board accept the competitive bid from the low responsible bidder, Insituform Technologies of Chesterfield, Missouri, and approve the one-year contract for the 2022 CIPP Sewer Lining Program, at bid unit prices, up to the budgeted amount, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.