The approved 2022 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes $300,000 for the funding of Commercial Meter Replacements. This is the first year of a five-year meter change out program for Commercial meters.
Village Staff has advertised a public bid for the replacement of these meters. This bid was designed to provide competitive pricing for the purchase of commercial water meters. The meters that are being replaced were installed over thirty years ago and parts are no longer available for repairs. Three bid packages were sent out to potential bidders.
On March 22, 2022, two bids were publicly opened and read aloud, and the bid results are listed below:
Water Resources, Inc $139,200
Midwest Meter, Inc. $166,560
The low bid is from Water Resources at $139,200. Staff reviewed the bid specifications and determined that Water Resources, Inc bid did not meet the low flow specification of two gallons per minute. Staff has been pleased with past purchases through Midwest Meter, Inc, and their bid meets specifications. Staff recommends award of the contract to Midwest Meter, Inc.
Funds are available in Account No. 505-9001-571.50-25 (WA2001) for this purchase.
It is recommended that the Village Board reject the non-compliant low bid from Water Resources, Inc., and award the Commercial Meter Replacement bid to Midwest Meter, Inc, of Edinburg, Illinois, in the not-to-exceed amount of $166,560 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.