Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution - Easement Agreement - Gateway Signage
Department: Planning/Legal

Previously, a study was presented to the Village Board for the retail commercial corridor, known as “Uptown” along Rand Road, Palatine Road, and Arlington Heights Roads.  The goal of the study was to create an identity for the area through streetscape and gateway opportunities. The plan sets out to accomplish this by unifying the area, as well as creating a sense of entry and presence to distinguish between other retail areas.  The “Uptown” area represents approximately 24% of the Village’s total sales tax revenue and approximately 28% if automobile sales are not included.  The shopping district has seen stiff competition from neighboring commercial areas.  After the Village Board accepted the beatification plan, funds were budgeted in TIF V and in the General Fund in order to begin implementation.


One of the enhancement items is gateway signage to be located along the perimeter of the Uptown Shopping District. The signs are proposed at the entry points to the area in order to start to create an identity for the Uptown Shopping District.   As part of the design process, the signage concepts were shared with the property owners, the Chamber of Commerce, the Design Commission and IDOT.   As part of the conceptual design phase, the consultant retained by the Village met with IDOT who indicated no objections to the proposed signs within the plan.  The initial reaction to the proposed signs was that IDOT would be amenable to placing the signs within their right of way.  Once detailed plans were formally submitted, the plans were rejected and IDOT indicated that they would not support placing the signs in their right of way.    


As IDOT would not approve the signage within their right of way, staff developed a plan to place the signs on private property.  To accomplish this, easements are required from several property owners.  The gateway identification enhancement is one of six key entry points along the Uptown Shopping district corridor.  The Village will be responsible for both the installation and maintenance of the sign. 


The Village has been working with Town and Country Shopping Center regarding an easement in order to place an Uptown gateway sign along Arlington Heights Road in the southwest corner of their property.   




It is recommended that a Resolution Accepting an Easement Agreement for Gateway Signage at the southwest corner of Town & Country Mall, be approved.  

Easement Agreement - Town & CountryResolution