The 2022 Capital Budget includes $400,000 for the Brick Paver Program. This program is designed to replace deteriorated brick paver sections in the Downtown and bring them up to correct ADA standards. Three phases have been completed to date, and the fourth phase will include the following locations:
• Downtown Train Station
• Replacement of the brick sidewalk on Wing Street from Vail Avenue to Chestnut Avenue
• Replacement of the sidewalk at the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at Vail Avenue,
Dunton Avenue, and Evergreen Avenue
The brick specified for the Village of Arlington Heights is a custom order that requires approximately eight to twelve weeks to manufacture; however, supply shortages across the construction industry could cause additional delays. Public Works Staff concluded that it is in the best interests of the Village to place the order for the bricks in advance of construction. This will ensure that the Downtown brick replacement can begin in a timely manner.
The fourth phase of the Downtown Paver Brick Program will include work adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad, requiring that the Village obtain Right of Entry from Union Pacific to encroach onto their right-of-way in order to remove and replace the sidewalk. The design of the project is complete. The anticipated schedule is as follows:
Place Brick order May, 2022
Right of Entry Approval November, 2022
Bid project November – December, 2022
Award contract December 2022
Construction March – April, 2023
This schedule allows the manufacturer flexibility for the custom order. Once delivered, the bricks will be stored until construction begins in the spring of 2023.
Approximately 13,240 square feet of brick is required for all locations included in the fourth phase. Unilock Chicago Inc. is the sole manufacturer of our custom brick. Unilock provided a quote of $76,112 for 13,240 square feet of brick, including delivery. Staff recommends award at the total cost price of $76,112.
Funds are available for the brick purchase in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST0501).
It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bids, and authorize the purchase of custom brick for the fourth phase of the Downtown Brick Paver Program from the sole provider, Unilock Chicago, Inc. in the amount of $76,112.00 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.