The Engineering Department has been recently notified by the residents about parking concerns on E Grove St between S Donald Ave & S Waterman Ave. This part of the street is currently unrestricted, and it is the first block west of Prospect High School that does not have any parking limitations. Due to the high demand for parking on the school grounds, as well as insufficient parking at the school, several students elect to park on the local streets. Working with Prospect High School and following an engineering study, the Engineering Department is proposing a solution that should alleviate the issue and provide residents a safe passage along E Grove St. Recognizing that all the streets in the area have “No Parking, Stopping & Standing, 10am-11am & 1pm-2pm, On School Days” the department recommend to extend the same restrictions to E Grove St between S Donald Ave & S Waterman Ave. Affected residents has been notified via letters and Village did not received any objections to the proposed changes.
It is recommended that an Ordinance Prohibiting Parking on that portion of E Grove Street, between S Donald Avenue and S Waterman Avenue, be approved.