The approved FY2022 Capital Budget includes $208,900 for the replacement of the Village's Aerial truck. This truck is primarily used to safely trim Village-owned trees throughout the community, but is also used for a variety of high task responsibilities, including; banner installation, traffic light maintenance, and roadway lighting maintenance. This equipment is used on a daily basis to perform tree trimming operations.
The current truck is a 2007 International Terex Hi-Ranger aerial truck. The Fleet Unit has inspected the current vehicle and has deemed it is in need of replacement based on age and condition. If the purchase is approved, the existing aerial truck will be surplused in accordance with Village guidelines, once the new truck arrives.
Staff is recommending purchase of a 2023 International HV607 Chassis with Versalift aerial components through both a State and Sourcewell contracts. Sourcewell (formerly NJPA) is a joint purchasing cooperative similar to NWMC that uses multiple government agencies and collaborative purchasing to obtain more competitive bid pricing. Through the State, the vendor has a chassis available and will deliver a truck that meets Village specifications in the first half of FY2023. Sourcewell has awarded Versalift the contract for the equipment that will be mounted on the chassis. The vendor that will provide the equipment is Versalift located in Waco, Texas. Staff has evaluated this equipment and chassis model and recommends award.
The cost to replace this vehicle is $237,206, which is $28,306 over budget. The Village will save approximately $9,000 by utilizing two separate contracts to secure this vehicle.
The Village recently transferred surplus funds to the Fleet Fund in anticipation of increased vehicle costs due to supply chain issues. As a result, Fleet Fund reserves are available to accommodate this overage. Funds for this purchase are available in Account No. 621-9003-72.50-05 (VH9501).
It is recommended that the Village Board award two separate contracts, including a contract through the State for the purchase of a 2023 International Model HV607 Chassis with Rush Truck Center of Northern Illinois of Chicago, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $80,860, and a contract for aerial lift equipment through the Sourcewell Purchasing Co-op with Versalift of Waco, Texas, in an amount not-to-exceed $156,346.00, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.