Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Chapter 28 Text Amendments - Adult Use Cannabis Dispensaries - PC#22-005
Department: Planning & Community Development



In August, 2020, the Village Board adopted an Ordinance establishing a pilot program to allow one adult use cannabis dispensary at Golf Road and Arlington Heights Road.   The pilot program has twice been extended by the Board, with the current program expiring June 30, 2022.


On February 21, 2022 the Board discussed allowing adult use cannabis with restrictions on the total number and locations of future dispensaries. After significant discussion related to which zoning districts should allow for dispensaries, and whether there should be a maximum cap on number of dispensaries, the Board directed staff to develop a draft ordinance amending Chapter 28 Zoning, which is included in this packet. Minutes of the Board’s meeting are attached. 


On May 11, 2022, the Ordinance Review Committee reviewed the proposed Ordinance and recommended approval to the Plan Commission as reflected in the attached meeting minutes.




A public meeting was held by the Plan Commission on May 25, 2022 where Commissioner Lorenzini moved and Commissioner Green seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#22-005, Text Amendment to Chapter 28 related to adult use cannabis dispensaries.



Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Lorenzini, Green, Drost, Ennes, Sigalos and Chair Warskow voted in favor.  Commissioner Cherwin voted against.  Motion carried.

Staff MemoMemorandum
PC Minutes 5/25/22 - DRAFTMinutes
Draft OrdinanceOrdinance
ORC Minutes - 5/11/22Minutes
VB Minutes - 2/21/22Minutes
Cannabis Parking Survey - June 2020Exhibits
KLOA Verilife Dispensary Parking Study - 12/1/21Exhibits