The FY2022 budget includes $192,000 in funding for Audio/Visual upgrades to the Village Board Room and the Community Room at Village Hall this year, and $120,000 for Audio/Visual upgrades in the Buechner Room in 2023. The technology used in these rooms are original to the buildings’ construction in 2008. The project includes; updated monitors, screens, controls, hearing impaired improvements, wiring, and connections. Currently, the computers used for presentations cannot access the projection system wirelessly, and the remote-control panels are no longer functional.
Staff bid the two upgrade projects together in an effort to reduce price increases. The prices received (below) do represent a significant price increase from the budget amount, which are the result of supply chain and economic inflation issues.
This project was advertised beginning on Wednesday, May 11th, and on Tuesday, May 31st, the following two bids were opened and publicly read aloud;
AVI SPL $238,796.46 $149,072.59
Sound Production and Lighting $341,994.56 $29,842.00
Staff has worked with the project consultant to evaluate and review both submissions for this work. Based on project experience, reference checks, and Sound Production's failure to submit pricing that met the required specifications, as part of the bid process, both Staff and the Consultant are recommending that the Village award a contract to AVI SPL for the work defined.
Therefore, Staff recommends award to AVI SPL in an amount not-to-exceed $387,869,05. It is understood that that award of the contract will span two budget years. The total estimated expense for the project is over the approved budget amount, but the Capital Projects Fund has sufficient reserves to account for this budget shortfall.
Funds for this project are available in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-20 (EQ 2102).
It is recommended that the Village Board move forward with the Audio/Visual project as proposed, with the funding identified in the budget and the necessary funding needed from reserves to allow for the approval of a contract in an amount not-to-exceed $387,869.05.