Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution - Agreement - Park District and Historical Society
Department: PW/Legal

The Village of Arlington Heights owns and maintains the land and five structures that make up the Historical Museum located on Fremont Avenue.  A Partnership between the Village, Park District, and Historical Society make the Historical Museum an inviting and educational asset to the community.


The Partnership is defined by a Historical Museum agreement between the three partners.  In essence, the Village is responsible for operation and maintenance of the properties, the Park District is responsible for the recreational activities and staffing, and the Historical Society is responsible for the collections and the Museum Volunteer Program.


The Agreement is reviewed and updated every ten years.  The last agreement was approved on November 21st, 2011.


Updates to the Agreement include:


§  Formally establish Museum Advisory Committee (MAC), which has been a standing practice for the previous ten years; updated terms, and use of technology and more appropriately define the roles of each Partner.


The Museum Advisory Committee, comprising of one to two members of each organization, have been meeting over the last six months to review and refine the Agreement. The attached Agreement has been reviewed by Village Staff and Legal Counsel, and will be presented for adoption by the other Agencies, and is recommended for approval.

Agreement - Historical SocietyResolution
Final VersionResolution