Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Forest View Educational Center-District 214 - 2121 S. Goebbert Rd.
Department: Planning & Community Development



Attached is a “Proceed At Own Risk” request to allow School District 214 to proceed with improvements to the Forest View Educational Center located at 2121 S. Goebbert Road, including an interior remodel and construction of a 5,640 square foot building addition to be used as a staff training facility. This approval would allow District 214 to proceed with construction while they finalize zoning entitlements for the subject property. It should be noted that all building permits for school buildings are issued by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). Also included within this transmittal is a site plan and floor plan for the subject property. 



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the “Proceed At Own Risk” authorization to allow construction of the proposed improvements prior to finalization of the Village zoning entitlement process. This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:

1. That the Petitioner understands that they are proceeding at their own risk, since final zoning approval has not yet been granted by the Village.

2. The Petitioner shall submit a complete Plan Commission application in a timely fashion and diligently proceed through the zoning entitlement process until completion.

Staff Memo - Proceed at Own Risk RequestMemorandum
Proceed at Own Risk Request Letter - 5/31/22Correspondence
Aerial Site PlanExhibits
Floor PlanExhibits