Village of Arlington Heights Redesign Project 2022
In March 2022, Village Staff issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to vendors interested in redesigning the Village’s existing website. (The attached memorandum provides the background of the Village's current website history, vendor selection, project timeline and costs.)
In April, 2022, the Village received 3 proposals that were reviewed including:
- Revize: $53,900 with annual hosting fees of $8,900
- CityBase: $276,000 (year 1), $284,280 (year two), $292,808 (year 3)
- Planteria Media: $81,250 with annual hosting fees of $7,980
Selected Vendor
After careful review of the submitted proposals, Village Staff has selected Revize as the new vendor for the website redesign project.
It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with Revize LLC for the redesign of the Village’s website, with a total amount not to exceed $80,600 for the next four years, with $53,900 due in the first year and $8,900 of annual hosting costs for the next three years, from the Village’s Technology Fund account #625-0601-553.20-39.
It is also recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Ordinance amending the 2022 Budget to increase Technology Fund Data Processing Services 625-0601-553.20-39 by $53,900.