Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Laserfiche File Conversion Services for PW Engineering
Department: Public Works

The Public Works Engineering Division is responsible for retaining records of engineering plans, correspondence, and related documents for both private and public projects. Older project information has been microfilmed and there are numerous more current projects that are still in paper format. 

Microsystems, Inc. has been scanning records for several Departments of the Village of Arlington Heights for over 25 years. They have 60 years experience with government records, and service 45+ local municipalities in Chicagoland, and maintain competitive pricing.


With the complexity of details involved with the scanning process and Microsystems, Inc., familiarity with our records, we gain a greater efficiency and assured quality by using them to complete the scanning work.  


Microsystems has recently worked with the Building & Life Safety Department to satisfactory results. The budgeted amount will complete the digital conversion of all currently available files in Engineering.


Funding is available in this year’s budget in Account No. 101-7101-531.21-65 Other Services – Digitizing of Records, in the amount of $33,200.


It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding and authorize Staff to work with Microsystems, Inc. to perform scanning work not-to-exceed the budgeted amount of $33,200. 

Laserfiche File Conversion - quoteExhibits