Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Fire Station #2 - Roof-Top Units
Department: Public Works

The 2022 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes $240,000 for the replacement of two roof-top units (RTU) at Fire Station #2. These RTU's are critical components of the building's HVAC system that provide cooling to the administrative offices, bunk room, day room, and kitchen. The current RTUs consist of one 25-ton unit and one 16-ton unit, and are original to the building construction in 2000, and have reached their end of life cycle.


Due to the design of the roof curbs, parapet walls and space constraints, the new RTUs need to be an exact match with existing, to reduce the need for structural roof changes and custom fabrication required for installation. Village staff, in conjunction with consultants, recommend replacement of the RTUs with the originally specified manufacturer, AAON.


Windy City Representatives of Oakbrook, IL, is the only certified and approved, local licensed vendor of AAON units.  Staff has discussed the constraints with Windy City, and they have ensured Staff that these units will fit within the confines of the existing roof space and parapet walls, and can utilize existing electrical infrastructure to ensure the new RTUs operate correctly.


Further complicating the replacement of the RTUs at this time, is the volatility of the materials market required to manufacture the units. Windy City Representatives have informed staff that the current lead time, due to material shortages, is thirty (30) weeks.


Staff recommends the Board waive competitive bidding, and authorize Staff to order the AAON replacement units from Windy City Representatives, the only AAON approved vendor.


Funds for the services are available in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-20 (BL9601).




It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding, and authorize the purchase of the two AAON Roof-Top Unit packages for a total cost of $103,200 from Windy City Representatives of Oak Brook, IL, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.