Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Traffic and Parking Analysis Request for Proposals Award of Consultant
Department: Planning & Community Development


Consideration and approval of consultant selection for traffic and parking analysis of proposed redevelopment of property commonly known as Arlington International Racecourse.



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with Sam Schwartz for a traffic and parking analysis for the proposed redevelopment of the property formerly known as Arlington International Racecourse.   Sam Schwartz consultant fees would be approximately $85,116 plus ongoing consultancy at hourly rates.  It is further recommended that the consultant contract be funded from the escrow funds provided by the Chicago Bears Football Club and the Village’s Capital Projects Fund reserves.


Memo - Traffic and Parking Analysis Request for Proposals Award of ConsultantMemorandum
Sam Schwartz Arlington Heights RFPExhibits
Sam Schwartz - ResolutioinResolution
AH Traffic Consulting Service Agreement - Sam SchwartzAgreement