Item Coversheet

Item: Parkview Apartments - 212 N. Dunton Ave. - PC14-013
Department: Planning & Community Development



A Preliminary Planned Unit Development to allow the construction of a 7 story mixed use building that has a total of 45 residential rental apartment units, 1,254 square feet of commercial/retail space on the first floor, and a total of 60 Interior parking spaces.




1. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 5.1-14.6, Required Minimum Yards, to allow a reduction to the required combined side yard (south) setback from 39.6’ to 1’ 3”;


2.  A variation from Chapter 28, Section 5.1-14.6, Required Minimum Yards, to allow a reduction to the required rear yard setback (west), from 30’ to 25’ 4” for the residential units above the first floor;


3.  A variation from Chapter 28, Section 11.7, Schedule of Loading Requirements, to waive the required loading berth for the development;


4.  A variation from Chapter 28, Section 11.2-8 Horizontal Width of Drive Aisles, to allow a reduction to the required two way drive aisle from 24’ to 20’ 2”.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on August 13, 2014 where Commissioner Warskow moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:


A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#14-013, a Preliminary Planned Unit Development to allow the construction of a 7-story mixed use building that has a total of 45 residential rental apartment units, 1,254 square feet of commercial/retail space on the first floor, and a total of 60 interior parking spaces, subject to the following: 


General Conditions: 


1.  This approval shall include the 1,254 square feet of commercial space located on first/ground floor. 


2. The southernmost window, along Dunton Street, proposed for the retail space should be vision glass and not spandrel glass. 


3.  Seven units are to be maintained as affordable in perpetuity under the Village’s affordable rental housing guidelines consistent with the Housing Commission recommendation. An additional 12 affordable units may be provided subject to the recommendations in the Housing Commission motion dated August 5, 2014. 


4. Residential units are approved as rental apartments. Converting residential units to condominiums shall require an amendment to the Planned Unit Development. 


5.  An additional shade tree (Honeylocust) shall be provided on Dunton Avenue near the intersection between the crosswalk and the existing light pole. 


6.  Future merchants/tenants commercial/retail tenant spaces shall procure permits from the Village for employee parking in the public parking garage. 


7.  The Village shall make available, if necessary, up to 15 parking permits within the Vail garage for residents of this development. 


8.  Delivery/loading operations shall be restricted as follows: Retail stores, 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Saturday with no deliveries on Sunday; and the residential, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday and 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday with no deliveries on Sunday. 


9. The developer shall obtain staff approval of temporary designation of parking spaces on Eastman Street for move-ins and move-outs. 


Prior to Final PUD 


10.  Prior to Final Planned Unit Development approval, the Petitioner shall pay a fee in lieu of on-site detention, pursuant to the standards established by the Village of Arlington Heights.


11. The Petitioner shall continue to work with the Village to develop an acceptable final construction schedule including a development-phasing plan that includes the location of staging areas throughout the development. Any work within the right of way shall be scheduled to minimize disruption to other businesses and patrons of the downtown. All construction traffic shall be limited to pre-approved lanes and locations, to be determined by the Village.


Prior to Building Permit


12. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Petitioner shall provide a copy of the remediation plan approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA).


13.  The Petitioner must provide an analysis of any constraints and what will be required to be submitted to the IEPA in order to construct the proposed building.


14.  Overhead utilities must be buried unless Comed deems that it is not feasible. In addition, all generators, transformers, switch gears, gas and electric meters, etc., shall be fully screened.


15.   Pursuant to Section 29-401 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code, the developer shall make cash contribution in lieu of land for school, park, and library districts. 


16. The Petitioner shall comply with all conditions outlined in the May 27, 2014 Design Commission motion. 


17.  The Petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village codes, regulations and policies.



Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Warskow, Sigalos, Green, Jensen and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor.  Commissioner Green had a comment.  Commissioner Cherwin voted against, with a comment.  Motion carried. 


Commissioner Green comment:

My comment has to do with the commercial space.  I think it's, overall it's a good project but I think the requirement for commercial on the first floor, that this is a pitiful showing of commercial space.  I think 1,254 square feet is not enough and I think that there are ways to accomplish more of that.  But I think, it was a tough one for me but I think it was a yes. 


Commissioner Cherwin comment: 

I would just say, you know, I generally would support the project going forward.  My biggest hang-up continues to be general condition 3 where we have it seems just, in my opinion, not really any analysis, kind of cost benefit analysis around a deviation, a very significant, a 3x deviation from the stated guidelines of the Village on affordable housing to go from that 7 units to potentially up 42 percent.  Other than that, I would otherwise support that.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Staff Memo 8-08-14Report
PC Staff Report 7-09-14Report
PC Minutes 8/13/14 DRAFTMinutes
PC Minutes 7-09-14Minutes
Revised PlansExhibits
Petitioner Response to IssuesCorrespondence
Traffic & Parking Evaluation REVISEDCorrespondence
Housing Commission Minutes 8-05-14_DRAFTMinutes
Housing Commission Report REVISED 8-05-14Correspondence
Petitioner Statement for Housing CommissionCorrespondence
Petitioner LetterCorrespondence
DC Staff ReportReport
DC MinutesMinutes
Housing Commission Report 7-01-14Report
Market StudyCorrespondence
Housing Commission Minutes - 7-01-14Minutes
Floor PlanExhibits
Letter of Support 7-09-14Correspondence
Letter of Support 7-15-14Correspondence
PC Timeline TrackerCorrespondence