Requested Action
1. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-402.a Number, to allow six wall signs on the west wall of the building facing Rand Road, where only one wall sign is allowed.
2. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-403.a Dimensions, to allow a 104 sf wall sign on the west wall of the building facing Rand Road, where 0 sf is allowed.
3. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-403.a Dimensions, to allow four 5.8 sf logo light sconce wall signs on the west wall of the building facing Rand Road, where 0 sf is allowed.
4. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-402.a Number, to allow one wall signs on the north wall of the building facing Palatine Road, where zero wall signs are allowed.
5. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-403.a Dimensions, to allow a 143 sf wall sign on the north wall of the building facing Rand Road, where 0 sf is allowed.
A public meeting was held by the Design Commission on September 27, 2022 where Commissioner Seyer moved and Commissioner Kingsley seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of the following sign variations for At Home at 750 E. Palatine Road:
1. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-402.a Number, to allow six wall signs on the west wall of the building facing Rand Road, where only one wall sign is allowed.
2. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-403.a Dimensions, to allow a 104 sf wall sign on the west wall of the building facing Rand Road, where 0 sf is allowed.
3. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-403.a Dimensions, to allow four 5.8 sf logo light sconce wall signs on the west wall of the building facing Rand Road, where 0 sf is allowed.
4. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-402.a Number, to allow one wall signs on the north wall of the building facing Palatine Road, where zero wall signs are allowed.
5. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-403.a Dimensions, to allow a 143 sf wall sign on the north wall of the building facing Rand Road, where 0 sf is allowed.
This recommendation is subject to compliance with the plans received 7/21/22, Federal, State, and Village Codes, regulations, and policies, and the issuance of all required permits, and the following conditions:
1. A confirmation that the lighting quality and color will match that of 'At Home' standards, submitting to Staff a photo of existing installations that meet those standards of approval.
2. This review deals with architectural design only and should not be construed to be an approval of, or to have any other impact on, any other zoning and/or land use issues or decisions that stem from zoning, building, signage or any other reviews. In addition to the normal technical review, permit drawings will be reviewed for consistency with the Design Commission and any other Commission or Board approval conditions. It is the architect/homeowner/builder’s responsibility to comply with the Design Commission approval and ensure that building permit plans comply with all zoning code, building permit and signage requirements.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Seyer, Kingsley, Fitzgerald and Acting Chair Eckhardt voted in favor. Motion carried.