Item Coversheet


Item: Discussion of Pre-Development Agreement with Chicago Bears
Department: Village Manager's Office

At the October 10th Village Board meeting, Staff will be presenting a Pre-Development Agreement to the Village Board for discussion. As the meeting is a COW, Staff is not asking the Village Board to take a vote at this meeting. Staff has worked with representatives of the Chicago Bears to develop the document with the following goals:


  • To establish a mutually agreed upon framework and goals for the key discussion topics in the event the project moves forward;
  • To provide the CBFC some assurances regarding our intentions and predictability of process so that they can make a purchasing decision later in 2022;
  • To spell out certain expectations that the Village has of the CBFC during the process; and
  • To provide the public expectations how the discussion will unfold.


This agreement is about establishing and publicly stating intent, not creating irrevocable commitments. Given the early stage of the project, Staff and the Chicago Bears believe it is too early to establish such commitments. However, we both agree that it is important that all stakeholders understand the intent and goals of the Village and the Chicago Bears.  The Agreement acknowledges that the Village will need much more information in order to weigh in on their proposal in a formal way, but that the Village is willing to explore the general idea of an NFL Stadium and mixed-use development on the site.


Staff negotiated this agreement with the Board’s preliminary feedback and expressed goals, and concerns in mind. It is our hope that the agreement can be approved at or before the November 7th Village Board meeting.  


Consultants from the Chicago Bears will be providing a short presentation of their preliminary concept- similar to an early review presentation.  Staff will then be presenting an overview of the attached Agreement for the Board’s consideration. Attorneys from the Chicago Bears will be present to answer any questions the Board has on the agreement or the plan.


Once the Chicago Bears make a purchasing decision, a more formal review will begin on the plan, including a review of their economic impact, financial, and transportation studies. The Plan Commission is also considering an amendment to the Zoning Overlay District related to the property. That amendment will also come before the Board at the November 7th meeting for discussion and approval.

Pre-Development Agreement with Chicago BearsAgreement