Item Coversheet

Item: Contract Award for Elevator Maintenance
Department: Public Works



The Village of Arlington Heights owns and operates 15 elevators located in public buildings and parking garages. On August 12, 2014, the Village held a public bid opening for Elevator Maintenance.  Six bids were opened and publicly read aloud.  The bids ranged from $48,126 to $139,781, with Mid-American Elevator Inc. offering the lowest bid of $48,126 total for all three years of the proposal.  The bid tabulation sheet is attached.


This contract is a lump sum bid award, payable in monthly installments for regularly scheduled preventative maintenance. In addition to the preventative maintenance costs, the total amount expended for these services in any fiscal year will include costs to repair  equipment as the need arises. The proposal includes an hourly rate for these repairs. 


The FY 14 Public Works Operating Budget for Equipment Maintenance Account has $255,000 for various equipment maintenance items which includes this contract.  Historically, repair costs have ranged between $2,000 to $21,000 in addition to the preventative maintenance costs. 




It is recommended that the Village Board approve a three-year contract totaling $48,126 for scheduled preventative maintenance and annual repair costs to Mid-American Elevator Inc. of Chicago, IL.  Mid-America has been providing this service since 2010 and the Village has been satisfied with their performance.


Bid Section

Item:Contract Award for Elevator Maintenance
Bid Opening Date:August 12,2014
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.21-02
Total Budget for Specific Item:$255,000
Bid Amount:$48,126.00 (Three years regular maintenance) plus repair costs
Elevator Maintenance Bid TabAgreement