On August 19th, 2022 the Arlington Heights Police Department was presented with three (3) first place awards for the 2020-2021 Illinois Traffic Safety Challenge, including:
- First Place - Championship Class (Award is presented to the top place traffic safety program from all previous year's top winners in State, County, Local groups)
- 1st Place Distracted Driving Enforcement
- 1st Place Speed Awareness
The awards were presented by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police at the Midwest Police and Security Expo in Tinley Park, Illinois.
The Illinois Traffic Safety Challenge is coordinated by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP) and supported by a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) grant administered through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). The challenge targets four major traffic safety priorities: occupant protection, distracted driving, speeding and impaired driving, in addition to other traffic safety initiatives. Programs receiving the award effectively combine traffic enforcement, public educational activities and innovative problem-solving strategies.
Applications are judged by law enforcement and traffic safety professionals from around the State. The Illinois Traffic Safety Challenge award recipients manage comprehensive programs within their communities that identify traffic issues, plan strategies, reduce social harm and improve the quality of life in their communities. Traffic safety remains a top priority of the Arlington Heights Police Department and receiving these awards validates the on-going commitment of keeping the communities’ roadways safe for residents, businesses and visitors.
Scott Kristiansen, the Director of the Illinois Traffic Safety Challenge, will be presenting the above mentioned awards to Mayor Thomas Hayes.