Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Brick Facade Repairs at Village Hall
Department: Public Works
The 2022 Capital Projects Fund includes $160,000 for ongoing maintenance to the brick exteriors of Village Hall. The Village Hall was constructed in 2008 and is now in need of brick façade improvements, including tuckpointing, flashing replacement adjacent to rooflines and window areas; and caulking and sealing work. The Village has a systematic brick maintenance program intended to maintain the numerous buildings that have a brick façade. However, this project required additional attention and funding, because of the height of the repairs and the location along the west and south façade of the Village Hall. 

Staff worked with a design professional to prepare construction documents to secure competitive pricing. Given the high-profile nature of the work and craftsmanship required to complete the proposed work, staff worked with the designer to identify highly reputable area contractors to provide pricing for this project.  Pricing was requested from seven different vendors. On November 1, 2022, the Village received three proposals for consideration. The following proposals were received.

Contractor       Total Cost

Berglund Construction Company $109,000
Professional Masonry Restoration $141,580
Holton Brothers, Incorporated $180,800

The Village consultant has reviewed the proposals and verified project scope and understanding. The consultant provided an official letter of recommendation to recommend Berglund Construction Company of Chicago, IL be awarded the project contract. Staff concurs with the recommendation and have successfully worked with Berglund Construction before. Work is anticipated in spring 2023.

As part of the consultant recommendation, a 10% contingency is recommended to be included in the requesting funding. This will allow authorization of funding that might be necessary to address potential problems identified during construction.  Therefore, staff is recommending an additional $10,900 be authorized at this time, should it be necessary during construction. 

Funds for these services are available in the Capital Projects Fund Account No. 401-7101-571.50-20 (BL 9603).


It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding and award the contract for the Village Hall Brick Façade Project to Berglund Construction Company of Chicago, IL, in an amount not-to-exceed $119,900 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.